On each page your children can trace the big number and color the clouds and flowers to match. They can also:
- trace the number multiple times and multiple colors to create a rainbow effect (rainbow writing)
- flip the page and write more numerals on the back
Here are some more number-specific ideas:
Number 5 Page

- fingerprint 5 clouds around the number 5
- ask students to flip their page over and trace their hand
- they can number each finger on their drawing from one to five and decorate with face etc too
Number 4 Page

- use a dice that shows numbers 1-3 only (I have a printable 1-3 dice in the Premium Coloring Club)
- roll a number
- have students clap the difference to 4 - for example, you roll a 2, they clap and say three, four
Number 3 Page
- play a listening game, asking students to close their eyes and open them only when they hear 3
- make some quick-clapping patterns of 1-5 for students to listen to
- instead of clapping, you could use percussion instruments
Number 2 Page

- during your daily read-aloud, shared-reading, collaborative-reading or story time, ask students to keep a close look at the illustrations and look for things that come in 2's
- encourage them to share what they see and at the end of the book, to think of some more
- record them on a class chart for display on your math wall
Number 1 Page

- learn a rhyming text or poem that has a focus on 1 - e.g. Incy Wincy Spider
- talk about their being one spider, one sun, one web and one drain pipe
- let students create actions for each part of the rhyme as they say it
- talk about other things that come in ones
- you may also like to teach my action rhyme One Little Snail
Find these number pages (and more) over in the coloring club. The extra ideas would work very well with our Math Bear big number pages too.
I hope your students love having fun with numbers this week!
You may also like:
- Math Games and Activities for Numbers to 5
- to get more extra idea for math in our newsletter
- to find more math and action rhymes for early childhood learning