Art projects, both independent and collaborative can help your build and foster classroom community. As they work creatively, display their work and view the work of their peers, you are providing a range of opportunities for students to talk and communicate, developing a sense of belonging and connection to their class.
Kindergarten and other young students may only be just learning to draw and make marks on a page. Scribble drawings are perfect - a picture emerges quickly which is engaging and confidence boosting!

Today I'd love to share with you how to scribble draw some carrots. They can be happy carrots, creepy carrots or crazy carrots! Perhaps a carrot patch.

Here are the simple steps:

I hope your children have lots of fun scribbling carrots to help develop their drawing and creativity!
Encourage your students to
- draw a giant carrot and cut it out for a classroom banner
- draw lots of carrots on a page an give each a different face
- draw details and more scribble pictures in the background - clouds, webs or patterns

I hope your children have lots of fun scribbling carrots to help develop their drawing and creativity!
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