Here is a coloring page from our club that helps students with numbers to ten! They can:
- color the rainbow
- trace the numerals 0-10
- write the numerals 0-10
- draw dots in the clod for each number 1-10
- read the number words
- write on the number track
After they have finished their page:
- have a talk about their work
- ask them to count for you and point to the numbers as they say them
- play a math game - here is one for you:
Numbers on the Track
- cover all the numbers on the number track at the base of the page
- roll a ten sided dice
- remove the matching counter
- here students will be using their knowlesdge of the order and position of numbers to find the counter to remove
- students in a small group can take turns to roll, the winner being the student to first remove all their counters

if you're not yet in the Pond Coloring Club - I'd love to have you with me so I can share with you, more creative ways to engage your students and help them learn.