Challenge your students to quickly add 10 more onto a number they roll in a fast number warm up for your small group at math. Math warm ups are a great management tool for beginning your lesson and reviewing previously taught content.
For this one you will need a 12 sided dice and number cards 11-22.
Add 10 More Number Cards
- roll a 12 sided die
- find a number card that shows 10 more and keep it
- work to have 3 cards as they tae turns to roll with other students
- upon getting 3 cards, put them in order (for extra practice and to signal the end of play)

If your students are not quite working at this level, you may like our new math game for adding 1 or 2 more!
To complement this math warm up guide students through some math activities for place value, helping them build confidence in understanding how tens and one combine for 2 digit numbers.