Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Mr Pusskins - A Cranky Cat Love Story
Today, I want to share with you my absolute FAVOURITE story to read to students.  I love it, and my students always love it too. Me...
I love Shanyn's new link up - Happy Snaps Sunday! Here are a few snaps from my weekend. We had a 'Spring Fair' for my d...
Happy Snaps Sunday
Five for Friday - 24th October
It's Friday. Well, somewhere in the world it is. I LOVE Five for Friday and have struggled to get on board the last few weeks. Let...
My little 'ol blog reached 1 million views today! What?! How!? I remember getting to a couple of hundred hits, like it was yesterday. ...
One Million Celebration!
Seeing Green
We made green play dough today, and it was not to make frogs. Although, I am sure that will happen at some stage this week. My new 'Fu...
Worksheets provide a practical way for you to consolidate the understanding of a concept your K-2 students have practiced with plenty of han...
Hi there friends! Feel like a bright idea? Well this one is a short and simple one. To help your little ones learn left from right, si...
My friend Shanyn from Classroom Chit Chat has started a new Sunday Linky called "Happy Snaps Sunday" to showcase some of the h...
Happy Snaps Sunday
Bee Busy - A system for your Fast Finishers
I love teaching and being a teacher. There are a few tiny things that do annoy me in the classroom, however. Perhaps the most, is that littl...
Today I would like to show you Eustace and Clyde  by Mariana Aizen. I have to admit, the insanely cute koalas and funky-chunky-font o...
Book Chat - Eustace and Clyde
Spider Legs Addition Game
I LOVE doing spidery-things in my classroom! As well as being fun and cute to draw, I find most children keenly interested in learning abou...
It's Friiiiiiiidaaaaaaaay! Just incase you forgot. I am linking up with the I-just-want-to-be-in-first-grade-so-I-can-be-in-her-class, ...
Five for Friday - Sydney Style
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