Happy Snaps Sunday
12 October 2014
My friend Shanyn from Classroom Chit Chat has started a new Sunday Linky called "Happy Snaps Sunday" to showcase some of the happy moments in the lives of teacher bloggers! Things that make us smile.
Today, I want to share with you, this happy snap of my little man and I at lunch. I fully acknowledge that I am 100% biased, but this little man is the SWEETEST!
I could not have had a more perfect lunch date by my side. He was impeccably behaved, gave us lots of laughs and was thrilled to be having a water out of a grown-up-looking glass. It's the small things that make the day of a 2 year old. I can count on one hand the number of times this little man has cried or been grumpy. Seriously. I know it is not normal, and that I am super blessed to be his mother. He smiles just about all day, and you cannot help but feel happy when he is around.
Another thing that makes me smile - is making clipart. Love it. I made some happy stick kids today and created a free coloring page with them.
Find it in Google Drive by clicking on the image below:
Thank you so much for stopping by, head over to Shanyn's blog to find more Sunday Snaps!