Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

More Ways to Use 10 More 10 Less
Our free 10 More 10 Less game will help you create a hands-on mental math activity for your students. They will work towards being able to ...
Your students can have fun with numbers and counting to 12 with a new page in our coloring club ! If you use the Fairy Garden action rhyme ...
Fairy Equal Groups
A Math Warm Up Helps
We have a new display pack in our classroom decor collection to make your classroom jobs or helpers rotation engaging and practical! You can...
Help your kindergarten students draw and form simple spiral and curved lines with our kitten directed drawing steps. They're free over i...
Kitten Art Project
Cat Sat Mat or the City Kitty
I had a chance to update our Cat on the Mat word family craft for you! Your students can have fun with fine motor while creating a record of...
 This week you can talk to your children about the needs of their pets with the Quick Craft that has been added to the Pond Coloring Club . ...
Puppy Needs Love and Play
A practical routine for Monday morning is to have your students share and write about their weekend. There are ways you can make it more eng...
  Here is a fast-prep idea for a math warm up to help your students become familiar or review time to the hour.  Use a real clock with the g...
Time to the Hour Math Warm Up
oo Word Mini Lesson
Our action rhyme Space Cat can be used in your classroom as part of your literacy program, a brain break or for engagement and classroom man...
 Last week I shared some minimal-prep math warm up ideas for developing fluency with numbers to 5. Number fluency will support addition and ...
Five Fluency to the Moon and Back
Drawing Book Cover for February
February is the perfect month to get creative and draw, paint and make lovely things! If your children are enjoying drawing this month you m...
If you get our newsletter you will have seen this cute panda friend in your inbox this week (it's still available - see base of this pos...
Panda and Puppy Play
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