Our free 10 More 10 Less game will help you create a hands-on mental math activity for your students. They will work towards being able to quickly identify numbers that are 10 more and 10 less than those they spin or roll.
Have some number charts ready to assist students who need support. Show them how to quickly visualize a number position on the chart by going up or down a row.

Today I want to share 3 more ways to use the playing mats now that you have them printed and laminated. Once your students are confident with the skills in this game you can use them for:
Making 10, 20 or 30
- on their turn a stduents places counters down on any number combination that makes the total
- e.g. if you're playing to 20 they may cover an 18 and a 2
- keep covering numbers until no more combinations can be found
- the winner is the last player who paced counters down
Choose 2 and Total It
- on their turn a student must cover any two numbers and find the total (or difference)
- option: record the addition or subtraction on paper
- variation: total or any 3, 4 or 5 numbers
Find a Double
- on their turn students cover 2 numbers that show a double relationship
- eg. they may cover 28 and 14, 5 and 10, 15 and 30
- keep covering numbers until no more combinations can be found
- the winner is the last player who paced counters down

If you don't have this game from our store in your collection it is free today for you!