Are your children learning to become fluent with addition within 20? Here is a warm up idea to use before one of your addition lessons. You'll have a focus on the number 12 and students will be exploring different ways to make 12 using blocks or other small equipment. This hands-on approach will help them become confident with addition concepts.
We Love 12
- give each student 12 cubes and a heart mat from the Math Kit
- let them count the 12 blocks - label the 12 by writing it on a dry-erase spot or using a number card
- let students freely explore different ways to make 12 by making 2 groups with the cubes
- for example, they may find 10+2, 8+4, 6+6 in the time you give them
- encourage them to record their findings in their math journal with a drawing or by writing an addition sentence (e.g. 5+7=12) or talking to a peer about the numbers they've made

Tips and More Ideas
- use a folded piece of paper or a dry erase spot with a line drawn down the center if you don't have play mats
- repeat the warm up each morning of the week with a different 'teen' numbers
- make classroom anchor charts - write 12 at the top of a large sheet of paper and have students record an addition sentence they discovered - display for reflection and review
- make a little number house to show addition to 12