Adding small groups of numbers to make ten is a foundational math skill for kindergarteners. It helps them build number sense and develop strategies for solving addition problems. One effective way to teach this skill is by using the "counting on" method. Here is an activity you can use at your small group math table or for students to play at independent learning times. We're using the 1, 2, 3
Ice Cream Cards from the Math Kit.
- Place a pile of dot cards down on the table.
- Students simply take a card and count to 10 as they go.
- For example, in the example above they would count 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - as they placed each of their cards down.
- each time they start a new ten, a different combination will be formed
- you can have them draw a picture to match their work in their math journal or simply write the numbers down and loop together the numbers that match each card

After playing this warm up activity your students could:
- make some play dough ice creams and add sequins or buttons to make ten
- draw an ice cream with ten sprinkles on top
- play to the same instructions but make 20 for a challenge