Math warm ups are ideal for using small pockets of time to layer additional learning into your math program. Review previously taught concepts, consolidate understanding and build fluency with extra practice. To make warm ups and mini lessons practical, classroom management is essential.
While your small group (4-6 students) are working with you at a focus table with Math Kit equipment, have the rest of your class working on independent activities or at centers. Remind them not to interrupt your table with a signal.
Add a Math Kit cat (included in all the resource files) to a craft stick and put it up when you're at play. Tell them
When the cat is straight, we wait.
Place it down flat on the table when you're available again.

Having the ability to manage your class quickly and with a regular routine will help you get more of these play times (and important math work) into your day.

I love helping get your children excited to learn - I hope this math warm up idea has helped you!

Having the ability to manage your class quickly and with a regular routine will help you get more of these play times (and important math work) into your day.

I love helping get your children excited to learn - I hope this math warm up idea has helped you!
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