Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Rainbow Five Math Warm Up

five fluency math game

Math Warm Ups are an ideal way to get children ready and engaged for learning. You can implement them at your focus small-group table prior to your math workshop, rotation or mini-lesson. Here is a game to get started that will build your students fluency with addition (or counting) to 5. 

Math Warm Up: Rainbow Five

  • use the 1, 2, 3 Cards from the Math Kit
  • place the cards face up and scattered in the playing space
  • on a signal (if you have a rainbow novelty lamp switch it on) have your children collect groups of cards that total 5 - e.g. a 3 and a 2
  • they keep collecting sets of 5 until the rainbow lamp is switched off
  • you could also use a bell or timer to signal the time allocation for students to play
addition math warm up kindergarten

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