Available to you in our free Coloring Club library is a page for your children to draw more dots before they color or paint. On each dice there should be 6 dots.
Use it in a few different ways:
- your emergent learners - they will draw and count-on from the number already shown
- students beginning to work on addition strategies can role a standard die and find a picture to complete a 6 - e.g. if they roll a 3 they will find a dice that has 3 and draw the extra to complete the dice
- students working more flexibly with numbers can roll a 20 sided dice and decide how to distribute the dots across multiple pictures, making each total 6

Once complete encourage your students to color or paint to show the addends. For example, they will paint blue all the dice where 2 was added to make 6.
As well as being a coloring page you can slide this page into a plastic sleeve and use it with a dry erase marker to conserve paper in your classroom.
If you're not yet a member of the Pond Coloring Club, we'd love to have you!