I've always found that little learners love write-n-wipe style dry erase marker activities.
We have a huge and growing range of these fun, easy-to-prep center activities for your classroom!
Activity cards for little learners
Besides the novelty of using a marker, they appeal to a child's need for immediacy. From a pedagogy point of view, I like them as a bridge between concrete and abstract.
Use them as task cards
If 'write and wipe' is not your style, you could always use such cards as 'task cards' and simply have your students use them as a visual prompt for writing their answer on a recording sheet.
Use them with equipment and play dough
They are also perfectly suited for use with play dough and small equipment, like buttons and counters.
Draw more, Add more!
We've put together a set that is perfect for early math. Students will add more items to complete a set.
Essentially, your students are working on early addition skills through counting and adding more.
As each card is completed, you will notice students counting and re-counting several times to check their work and understanding. This continued and repetitive counting all helps to develop a strong beginning in number.
The set includes 6 packs! Here is a sneaky peek:
The set includes 6 packs! Here is a sneaky peek:
Draw more apples
Draw more flowers
Draw more gum
Draw more hair
draw more raindrops
draw more spots
For more formal addition lessons, I have also listed "Caterpillar Count On Cards" that will assist in using a number line to solve addition.
Here is a free download for you to help support this learning in your classroom. Students can draw more apples on each tree to complete the total. Find it in Google Drive HERE