Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Short Vowels in the Mouse House
Practicing short vowels with your students - both articulating them clearly, and 'hearing' (identifying) them - will help so much wi...
This little printable reader will help you in lessons about mothers AND farm babies!  You can download a FREE copy, by clicking ...
Mother's Day Reader and Card
Bunny Kids Art
Today I want to share an 'Easter Bunny' artwork that my daughter completed today. She is on Autumn school break and it is rain...
The idea I want to share with you is one that I use in Kindergarten, particularly in the first half of the year. It will help your student...
Student Names in the Classroom
1,2,3 eyes to me!
I currently teach one day a week in a First Grade classroom full of delightful, wonderful, clever, funny and interesting children. I ...
Hi friends! I just listed my 600th resource on TpT and its FREE! Don't even begin to ask me how the '600' happened... as I don...
Show Me the Alphabet!
10 Chicks
Here is a fun math center or small-group game to play with your students. It will help them become familiar with using a ten frame and ge...
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