Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Shamrock Math Warm Up

Looking for a simple and engaging math warm-up? Try the Lucky Number Math Game! It’s a great way to build number sense, listening skills, and excitement before your lesson—plus, it only takes a few minutes!

Printable shamrock math warm-up activity for kids. A fun, hands-on way to practice number fluency and counting in March!

How to Play:

  • Roll a shamrock dice (or a regular one!)
  • Before it lands, students chant:
Lucky number or just for fun,
Guess the roll—here it comes!
  • Each student calls out a number.
  • The dice lands—if their number matches, they win a clover counter! 🌿
  • Play for a few rounds to warm up those math brains!

Make It More Challenging:

  • Draw a picture, write a number or color a matching arrangement on a coloring page (free one available below)
  • Use a 20-sided dice for bigger numbers.
  • Roll two dice and add the numbers.
  • Roll three dice and call the largest number before they land.
  • Roll two dice and find the difference instead of just calling a number.

This game works with any dice, but if you want fun-themed ones, check out the Shamrock Dice in my Math Kit Bundle 1! 🎲💚

Get A Free Clover Roll Coloring Page!

Sign up below to receive your free Clover Roll coloring page—a fun, creative way to celebrate the season! Once you enter your email, your welcome newsletter will arrive with the PDF file, ready to print and enjoy.

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I’m excited to share this with you! Enter your email below to start coloring!

    Free Clover Roll coloring page—perfect for creative play and number fun! Great for spring, St. Patrick’s Day, or math centers.

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