Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Ten Frame Fun

 I have blogged before about how much I love ten frames!

I just had to share these adorable koala ten frame trains that I recently purchased from Geo Australia....for my daughter....really... they are not for me ;) 

I have drooled all over admired sets before at work when the educational supply people set up a display in the staffroom, and I have never had enough $ in my class budget to get them... well the cheque arrived from TpT this week and I got them! My daughter has already had lots of fun 'playing' with them, lining the koalas up in their ten frames and I am beginning to encourage her to memorise the arrangements for different numbers.

Here we have modelled the number 13 and have talked about how it is 3 more than 10. Or 1 ten and 3 more.

You can make your own ten frame trains by pulling two sections from an egg carton - which is what I have always done in the classroom.

Students can then fill the spaces with counters or animal counters - here my daughter has used Jungle counters, also from EE.

I have combined ten of my favourite games using ten frames with ten colourful and fun ten frame boards to make this new packet.

The whole idea of using ten frames is fro your students to build solid visual representations in their mind of the numbers to ten, so I have kept the ten frames in this packet as clear and standard as possible, but adding additional elements (such as an alligator) to make them fun! This consistent representation of the ten frame will help your students enormously!

Click on the images below to find it!

I am off  to play more koala ten frames!

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