Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Learning Adjectives

Adjective Learning Center

Encourage your learners to widen their vocabulary and descriptive language with this fast-prep adjective matching game. Your little learners will read cards featuring 3 adjectives and match them to a picture on their game mat.

Available in our store, to prep just
  • print
  • laminate
  • cut word cards
  • have fun!First Grade Adjectives

Whats included in Adjective Match:

  • 6 easy-prep game mats (each feature 12 pictures)
  • adjective cards
  • follow-up sentence-writing worksheet
  • cover page for your organizational packets and folders
Learning Adjectives
You can use the boards and cards to the included instruction of add variations for different ability levels in your class.

Basic Play

  • taking a word card
  • read adjectives (3 given to provide scope for different reading abilities and to enhance vocabulary development)
  •  finding the matching picture on the game board. 

Game Play

  • students play in pairs and race to see who covers their board first, swap and check accuracy

Guess the picture

  • students start by reading and covering their pictures
  • once all are covered, students take turns to read the 3 adjectives on a card and have the others guess the picture they relate to

Adjective Add

  • students play to instructions but must create an additional adjective for each picture as they place the card down

Alternative Noun

  • students play to the instructions and after matching a card to its picture, think of an alternative noun that would also suit the set of adjectives 

Picture draw

  • once completed students draw a picture with as many of the pictures from their board as possible, also incorporating some vivid detail from the adjectives read
This printable literacy game is available for purchase in our TpT store today!

Great news!

  • Students can play all 6 boards, reading a total of 216 descriptive words.
  • Alternative spellings for UK/Australian words included.
  • Our games are designed to be economical to print, easy-to-cut and clear uncluttered visuals. Perfect for kindergarten and first grade!
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