Talk with your children:
- ask them to tell you about the size of the blueberries - which is the biggest, the smallest etc
- ask them to describe the blueberry pile (they may see the 1-2-3-4 growing pattern)
- ask them if there was another row under the blueberry pile, how many it would have
Encourage exploration of growing patterns with pattern blocks too!
Using the blueberry page, your children can:
- roll and add counters to the pile of berries (use a 1-3 dice or similar)
- talk about how many left to make 10
- on each new roll, get a new total - e.g first I rolled 4, then I rolled 2, now I have 6 and I need 4 more to make 10
- ask questions to explore the math - e.g you have to add 4 more, what different combinations on this dice could you roll to make a total of 4
I made this happy dice using another page from the club, cutting and gluing the 6 sides onto a trimmed down tea box. If you're in Australia, the little Twinnings Tea boxes are perfectly sized! Your children could each make one, to encourage more math games and play - with the added benefit of exploring 3D shapes/objects too!

I hope your children have fun with numbers today!
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