Play some games and provide opportunities for your little ones to develop a deep and clear ability to place quantities in order of increasing (or decreasing) size. Make sure your little ones can:
- make groups of numbers that are 'bigger' or 'smaller' than other sets you have made
- tell you 'one more', 'one less', 'ten more', 'ten less'
- confidently order numbers in sequence 1-10
Our Math Pack 7 helps you teach the ordering numbers to 10, if you need to support learning working at an emergent level. We've recently created 2 new math centers for students working confidently with big numbers.
Students write with a dry-erase marker, the number before and after the featured number on the card.
Included in the packs are:
- activity cards
- activity instructions
- a recording worksheet and
- resource folder cover page
Find both sets in our TpT store by clicking on the images below: