Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Addition and Subtraction Facts

Help your little learners master addition and subtraction facts with our Full House math center! It is ideal for small group math rotations or center work. Once your learners know how to play it will be perfect as a finisher too!

Students will flip fact cards and find the correct house to place them on. You can set up a cooperative learning experience where students work together to fill the houses, or develop a game-style activity where students compete to be the first to fill their house (or street)!

To play

  • line up the houses in your street
  • place fact cards face down
  • take turns to flip a card
  • solve the fact - aim for instant recognition, but remind students of strategies to solve addition to fall back on as they begin to memorize the facts
  • place the fact in the house
  • keep playing until your houses are full
You can use the houses to differentiate this activity and accommodate your emergent learners by providing them with counters and having them put quantities in each window to build the total. This will help with basic counting, making quantities, early addition and numeral identification.

This file features

  • a teaching tips page,
  • a detailed instruction sheet,
  • house cards for number 1 to 20
  • 80 fact cards
  • a recording worksheet
  • cover page. The cover page can be printed and used to help organize your game/activity tubs/pouches/packets or folders.

Students can play on their own by lining the houses up and filling in the windows.

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