Integrate writing some swirly s shapes (to support handwriting the letter s) into your fine motor activities with a spaghetti bowl craft!
Your children can trace, color. paint then cut and glue. For extra fine motor practice squeeze white glue onto the spaghetti strands and add wool, yarn or string (entirely optional).
Add a decorative pattern on the bowl too.
Extend the idea into your daily writing warm up or after your formal handwriting lessons with a page of fluency patterns - with a spaghetti twist (see the video below).
Play a letter recognition game too:
- take a bowl of magnetic letters (bowl of pasta)
- give students a turn to take a letter (not looking) and try for a strand of spaghetti (the letter s)
- they must identify the letter sound and suggest a word that begins with the letter sound
- line up the spaghetti strands as they are found by various students
- aim for six spaghetti strands before the game ends