Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Stop Look and Listen
  Is everything ready to go in your classroom but you're struggling to get your students to follow your directions. Do you explain every...
Here is a math activity to play using cards from the Math Kit. I've used: house cards number cards 1s and 2s cards Students will work to...
Combine counting, writing numbers, craft and creativity with a circle caterpillar craft. Everything one child needs is on one page to print ...
Combine learning about 2D shapes in kindergarten with learning letters of the alphabet along with drawing and creativity using my shape dra...
2D Shape Koala Drawing
Addition and Subtraction Fact Houses
Remind students of the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction while building knowledge of addition and subtraction facts with...
 Integrate writing some swirly s shapes (to support handwriting the letter s) into your fine motor activities with a spaghetti bowl craft!  ...
Writing with Spaghetti
Drawing and creating art projects in the classroom helps you integrate creatively, fine motor skills and a springboard for literacy and lang...
Add some robot fun to your math wall and activities with the new cards in the bundle ! In addition to  using them as a number line reference...
Hot Air Balloon Coloring Page
There are new pages in the Pond Coloring Club for your children to complete! Here is a page for them to draw an adventure. Talk with them ...
While you're setting up a classroom door display, take a few extra minutes to print a second set of name cards and make a tub of pick-m...
Happy Face Door Display
Counting and Cardinality Math Game
Have your children count birthday candles onto their cake game mat to practice counting with 1:1 correspondence and establishing the relati...
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