Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Dancing Turtle
There's a dancing turtle craft in our Pond Coloring Club ready to be made! Your children can paint, color or use crayons and pencils in...
  Back to school activities can help establish your classroom community. Having students contribute to a classroom display by drawing, paint...
Scribble Kids
Tiger Craft with Jungle Leaf Paper Folding
Help your children an adorable shape tiger by cutting and arranging squares, rectangles and triangles! You'll need: the printable page f...
To help students achieve fluency with addition you can give them lots of practice adding 1, 2 or 3. To begin with you may see them counting ...
Adding 1, 2 or 3
Lollipops Art Project - Circles, Lines and Spirals
Over in the Pond Coloring Club we're sharing a free directed drawing with you! It's of 3 lollipops and encourages your children to...
Here is a fun math warm up activity to use with our Turtle Grid cards! These cards can be used for so many other skills and concepts in mat...
Adding Numbers and Finding 10
Counting in Equal Groups
Math Warm Ups are short, often play-based activities to begin your math lesson or small-group. They are especially good for helping student...
Help your learners practice cutting simple shapes with a fun hot dog craft! After making they can be added to a classroom or home learning d...
Hot Dog Craft and Word Warm Up
Counting Cards Math Warm Up for Ten
Have a set of Counting Cards ready to help support students who are working with numbers to 10.  They can be used along with counters to he...
Make some glitter bugs to have a gorgeous classroom display you can integrate with counting and early math! It can also help your students w...
10 Blueberries
Help your children become more familiar with the number ten using our blueberry coloring page ! It has 10 blueberries piled up and some more...
I'd love to help your children draw a 5 scoop sundae! After working with numbers and counting to 5 you could draw and color this to cel...
Sundae Art Project with Directed Drawing Steps
Ants at the Picnic Math Warm Up
  It's a great time of the year for a picnic! If you can't get outside use some picnic themed activities and materials in your cente...
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