What have I been up to? LOTS! I have recently started some leave from teaching, to have our second baby. I brought home all of my personal teaching belongings as I am not quite sure what I will be doing when I return in August. So......11 years worth of resources takes up a little bit of space. I have it all stacked in the garage at the moment, as I just have to clean and sort through all of it before I pack it away.
Anyhow, I have started sorting through boxes and boxes of resources and laminated centers and games. I want them all organised in easy-to-lift file boxes. I had them in big boxes in the classroom, but found these smaller boxes at Big W recently, and they have a handle on the top. Much easier to lift, and I will be able to make each one specific for a strand of each subject. For example, I would like one for "Addition with Numbers Less then 10". They sit nicely in my garage cupboards and when I am back at work, I will be able to grab a suitable box when I am working with a specific small group of students.
The top shelf here shows some of what I have to sort, the second shelf, what I have done so far........the rest is on the garage floor...... o dear

I have also been sorting my daughter's toy cupboard. I want it to be easy for her and lovely little darlings that come to play with her - TO PACK AWAY! So, the labelled boxes have been a hit! Not only can she pack away faster, she is re-engaging with toys she had forgotten about. It is not finished, as you can see by the top shelf, but I will get there. One half of me is highly organised, and the other half of me likes to jump from job to job, so I always have a zillion things on the go!
Have a great day, I am back to some sorting..........