Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!


Hello and welcome, we're Mel and Brett. Find out more about us here.
  • From the Pond is a small family-based creative business.
  • We make printable learning activities and resources for K-3 teachers, classrooms and learners. 

Some quick links

Terms of use - printable resources

  • we own our resources and the copyright to them
  • we license them to you to print for your own classroom or home
  • you are not allowed to 'redistribute' or work, change it or claim is as your own
  • you are not allow to give our resources to anyone or share them in a share folder
  • we are happy for teachers to share a paper copy of a worksheet or two with their colleague next door, that is common practice - but re-distributing copyrighted material via email, Facebook group, file drive, website or blog is illegal

Terms of use - clipart/graphics/fonts

  • we have sold images in the past for teacher-authors to use in their own publications
  • please refer to the terms of use included in the folder when you purchased, contact us with any concern
  • in a nutshell, they can be used in secured teaching documents
  • a teaching document has significant content of your own, not just our images
  • no logos
  • no new image files (advertising, blogs, websites, pins, memes etc)
  • no physical products - e.g. books, T Shirts
  • Graphics From the Pond Terms of Use
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