Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Christmas Tree Teaching Ideas

Here are 5 of my favorite Christmas Tree themed teaching resources or ideas! 

Christmas Tree Teaching Ideas

1. Christmas Tree Craft

This cute Christmas Tree Craft can be made as a stand alone for decorating a bulletin board or display in your classroom. Alternatively, combine it with a writing task using one of our included pages!

Chistmas Craft

2. Action Rhyme - Finger Play

A fun literacy experience can be implemented with our rhyming text. Use it as a modelled read, for word study, fine motor and behavior management. 

Tree Text for Christmas

3. Christmas Classroom Door

With our fast prep student name tags and message, your classroom will have a cosy, welcoming entrance for December. 

Christmas Classroom Door

4. Scissor Skills Craft

The templates for this craft have thick heavy edge lines and patterned internal lines to cut - perfect for developing scissor skills.

Each project can be copied on a single page so prep is minimal!
Tree Scissor Skills

5. End of Year Student Gift

Simply print these little poem trees out, laminate if you wish and attach to a fun-size box of Smarties. There is a little color based poem to commemorate a year of learning together.

End of Year Student Gift

I hope this list gives you some support during a busy time of year. Find even more tree ideas over on our website!

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