Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

One Word for 2016
A fun activity for your students to try is to have them think of  just one word  that will define their 2016!  Brainstorm ...
Place Value Games I have a fun worksheet game for you to download today ! Win a Snowman is a trading game that will help your student...
Win a Snowman Freebie
New Craftivities
I have added two new paper crafts to my Paper Craft Bundle! If you have the bundle, simply go to your purchases tab in your TpT a ccoun...
Here are a few simple 'low prep' activity for subtraction in the K-3 classroom! 1. Two Dice Roll a thirty or twenty sided...
Thought for the Day - change in the classroom
Just a little thought for today my friends - when something is not going right in the classroom - go left! If something is not working for ...
Get your students building snowmen AND word families with this collection of 22 no-prep activity pages! First they can read and identify ...
Word Family Snowmen
Classroom Posters to Inspire
Hi friends! Two more teaching days for me and I am on summer break!  I am HAPPY!  And grateful!  And excited!  And feeling creative!  I...
Visual discrimination activities will help support your students reading development.  I just added a winter themed activity to my TpT...
Winter Tree Visual Discrimination
End of Year + Christmas Student Gift
Here in Australia the end of the school year is almost upon us. We are busy finalising school reports and assessments, sending work home an...
I am SO ready for Christmas this year! Not ready, as in I-have-all-my-shopping-done-ready  but ready as in: let-me-at-the-decorat...
FREE Christmas Coloring Pages
Phonics and Fluency - Zoom Cards
Help your students work on fluency at home with Zoom Cards ! I sequence my phonics program carefully. It is structured, and students buil...
       My Make Ten Christmas bundle has four easy-prep activities to motivate and encourage your students to learn the addition combin...
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