Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

A Couple of Spider Things
I have a few spider games in my resource collection.  Spider Web is one of them. This game is played with a small group of stude...
My daughter and I had fun making these origami people. She ended up making lots of the people in our family and enjoyed talking about h...
Teddies and My Maggie
  Our " Teddies " game has been revised and we have been busy playing it today. My daughter quickly matched the mother bears ...
I had a lot of fun making this set of 'scrappy kids for summer' this week.  I donated it to the fundraiser for Oklahoma tha...
Scrappy Summer for Oklahoma
FREE Pencil Tub Labels
We needed some tubs to help sort pencils. I just had to make some with my new scrappy friends on them. I'm sharing them with you from ou...
    I had the privilege recently of visiting a school that had purchased many of our resources from eBay a few years ago to kick star...
Addition Snake and Add On
Snap It Up!
What a week! It's been green. I have had a sick little man in my house and it has not been much fun at all. Green really. On all front...
My daughter and I are loving our new 'Bingo Books'. I can get dinner cooked. She has something to 'do'! Jus...
Bingo Books at Breakfast...Dinner...or Under the Desk at School
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