Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Penguin Addition and Subtraction Math Center
Penguins make everything fun and engaging - right?! Make your math centers fun, interactive and skills-based with our popular  Pengui...
Friends, I wanted to repost our bee directed drawing art project for you! We've shared it a number of times over the years and have ...
Valentine's Day Directed Drawing and Art Project
Most Loved Pet Graphing Activity
Are you looking for a way to incorporate a touch of love into the classroom for Valentine's Day? Or needing to introduce students to...
I've made a new wallpaper and paper design - Koala Friends . I hope when you add it to your home and classroom electronic boards, iP...
Koala Friends Wallpaper
Fast-Prep Valentine's Day Card
Have your little ones practice the valuable fine motor skill of paper tearing to make this adorable and fast-prep card for Valentine...
When students are learning to write letters we need to help them become aware of, and then form their letters with correct proportion,...
Free Handwriting Activities - Sky Grass Dirt
Number Patterns
Pattern is fundamental in mathematics. After students know the basics of simple patterns - creating, continuing and making their own wi...
Today we would like to share in more detail, our new Polar Bear craftivity. Your students can complete a writing task on polar bears and...
Polar Bear Information Writing
cvc Literacy Center Game
You love having fun and engaging new activities for reading groups and literacy center time - right? Games, activities and centers that ...
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