Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Number of the Day

Kindergarten Number Talk

Move over word-of-the-day we have some fun number work to do!
Create a Number of the Day routine for your class to make regular number sense work seamless and consistent in your program.

Create a little number wall or area in your K-2 classroom to display your chosen collection of focus cards.

Working together as a class through the cards each day will encourage students confidence in exploring numbers.

Number of the Day and Week

We've designed them to be printed and laminated for use with dry erase markers or with sticky-notes but you can also project them onto an electronic board and work through them digitally.

Number of the Day Cards

Student work pages are included so your learners can work along with you as you go through the word of the day.
Number of the Day worksheet

Poster pages included for you to choose from and create your focus area, are:

  • 2 header options - with cute kids or without
  • write the number in words
  • show the number in place value blocks
  • show the number in ten frames (several options included 10, 50, 120)
  • write the numbers before and after
  • show the number in tally marks
  • write the number in an addition sentence
  • write the number in a subtraction sentence
  • write the number in a multiplication sentence
  • write the number in a division sentence
  • show the number in a 'greater than' comparison
  • show the number in a 'less than' comparison
  • 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less
  • determine if the number is odd or even
  • double the number, halve the number
  • round the number to the nearest ...
  • place value chart (2 to 4 digit numbers)

As well as recording all the information about your focus number, you may like to:

  • sing counting songs
  • say counting rhymes
  • clap count up to the focus number
  • draw pictures that represent the number and create a class book
  • count out groups of materials to show this number
  • locate this number on your class number line
  • look through books and find this number represented 
  • discuss what students already know about this number
If a number every day is too much, we have included Number of the Week page options too! We know that learning about numbers in the early years is so critically important but think our resources will also help you create a beautiful classroom learning environment too! 

You can find this versatile pack over in our TpT store.
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