Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Tiger Finger Play

I wrote a new action finger play for your little learners today! It has a tiger theme and will help them move into a quiet settled position for learning on the carpet / mat.

This finger play encourages:

  • listening to the teacher
  • joining in with the class community
  • learning a rhyme
  • listening
  • fine motor coordination / finger actions
  • sequencing words and actions
  • expected behavior - sit with class, focus on teacher, cease play, join group focus, attend to learning
  • an integration of words, action and meaning
  • language development
  • fun and engagement

Printable Tiger Finger Play

  • at the bottom of this post you can find links to download the printable finger play poster
  • we've provided it in color and blackline
  • point to the words and engage your students in a reading activity too
  • let your students have a copy of the blackline version, so they can follow along with the words at home and practice their reading
Tiger Transition

Step by step actions:

  • every time the finger rhyme says tiger, tiger, lace your fingers gently together
  • tell students these are the stripes on both sides of the tiger's body 
  • Sit with me = place hands on top of one another, flat, and motion down
  • Sip your tea = pretend to sip tea, one hand is the saucer, the other is lifting a cup up to sip
  • Don't you roar = wave finger from side to side
  • On the floor = same action as for sit down
  • No more play = roll hands around one another
  • Learn today = folded arms

We hope you and your students love this new finger play and it helps you engage your students in a practical literacy experience while also encouraging positive classroom behavior. 

We added a one page tiger face craft to our Premium Coloring Club library today to accompany this finger play. 

There are also some lovely links to explore between expected behavior, tigers, the finger play and the children's picture book: The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr. You may like to review this book and see if it can be incorporated into the class literature studies at your school. 

We can see how the tiger would provide for deep discussions about the actions of characters in stories. His behavior is in stark contrast to the setting and other characters. It might help you springboard into a discussion on how routines, expectations and rules at school help us all feel comfortable and safe to learn. 

Find the text here: Google Drive: Tiger Action Rhyme Finger Play

Available in our store is a printable pack of creative and literacy support activities too! Find it ready to go HERE

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