Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Learning 2D Shapes with Reindeer

Use our activity mats with play dough, markers or small equipment to combine a focused content area with creativity and fine motor. 

Our Reindeer 2D Shapes will help your students learn about shapes and encourage them to build fine motor skills and strength.

Students roll log shape dough and twist, size and shape them to create 2D shape reindeer faces! They can say the simple rhyme as they make it.

The set  includes 10 mats - square, circle, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, rhombus, trapezoid and oval. 

A tracing worksheet is also included.

You may like to watch our reindeer shaped animated story too:

You can find activities and ideas to complement Shape Reindeer on the website!

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