Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Five Fab Freebies #2

Another Friday has rolled around... is it just me or do you feel like it was last Friday just yesterday.. I have had another busy week, and once again am in awe of the wonderful new teacher sellers joining TpT and sharing their fabulous freebies with the world!

free teaching resources

Here are five fab freebies in our store:

1. Cute Classroom Poster - From a small seed big things grow

free cute poster

2. Reading Group Posters for the classroom

Reading groups poster

3. Odd and Even Monsters

odd even posters

4. Dinosaur Shape Craft

dinosaur shape craft

5. Playroom Toy Cupboard Labels

playroom cupboard labels

We hope you love these freebies! By leaving feedback, liking and sharing this blog link with your friends, you can support us in making new freebies for you!
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