Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Plants Needs Craftivity

If you're learning about the seasons, living things, plants or spring in your classroom your students can combine their emerging fine motor skills with a creative craft!

Make some beautiful happy flowers for your classroom display along with a writing project to learn more about plants and what they need!

plants need craft

Print the template pieces on white or colored paper and ask your students to shade/paint them.

I've included lots of options for you to make it perfect for your learners. Choose from:
  • with a face
  • without a face
  • with a plant pot
  • without a plant pot
  • complete version (minimal cutting)
  • all on one page (one page per student)
  • traditional template version (each piece can be copied on a different color)

As well as the mini-flip book, there are other writing options: 

  •  describing words for flowers/plants
  • labelling a flower/plant

craft for learning about plants

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