Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

A sunny honey hat

Help your learners sequence and order numbers to 50 with our sunshine activity cards! Each card has a different starting position and your learners can count forwards and backwards to determine the missing numbers. 
ordering numbers

Use them as task cards with your children writing the number sequences in their math journal or write directly onto the laminated cards with a dry erase marker. 
order and position of teen numbers

ordering numbers to 50

After the math activity you may like to read Mrs Honey's Hat. Have you read it before? It is filled with opportunities for exploring many early concepts. Each day of the week you'll discover Mrs Honey doing something outside with nature subtly creeping in and integrating into her hat! 

Use sound out snail as you read to highlight words on the page that you can explore at a deeper level with your students after your reading. Record them on a whiteboard or chart. Perhaps they are words that are in focus for your class at the moment or that you would like them to attempt next. Perhaps they are words that they could use in their own writing, after your reading. 

sounding out words

working with words in text

Have your students look at the word bank that you have created together and ask them to find words that relate in some way. Let them share their ideas and make their own connections - maybe words starting with the same letter, rhyming words, or linking words (sun, hat, crab are all beach words). 

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