In the Pond Coloring Club free library today I am sharing with you a worried crab coloring page!
As well as coloring or painting, your students can record some strategies to engage if they find themselves worried. Have a discussion about appropriate strategies for your learning context before students attempt this.

Talk about getting from worried to OK and how this will be different for each child. Ask students to share their own experiences of feeling worried and what made them feel better.

You may like to implement a routine of highlighting one or two different emotions or feelings each week and having a class discussion about them. Our crab feeling cards may help to engage your students.

Each poster has an original crab illustration and design. Posters and worksheets are provided for each of the following feelings:
- happy
- surprised
- silly
- sick
- sad
- upset
- angry
- excited
- confused
- proud
- appreciative
- ok
- frustrated
- amused
- calm
- uncomfortable
- comfortable
- love
- worried
- disappointed
- jealous
- guilty
- generous
- embarrassed
- curious
- scared
This past blog post also shares some classroom activity ideas for exploring emotions with crab!