Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the journey

How do you help your little ones learn to 'enjoy the journey'? Understanding that hard work and perseverance is a worthwhile endeavour can be so hard for young learners to fully appreciate and can take many years. 

3 ideas for teaching an appreciation of perseverance 

  1. Read some books and use them to springboard into a discussion and reflection on personal experience - e.g. How to Catch a Star
  2. Ask students to recall an achievement or experience from their past. Ask them to recall at least 5 steps they took on their journey. Share and discuss how persistence paid off.
  3. Set the class a goal or challenge e.g. a reading challenge to read 20 books. Check in regularly through the week to monitor progress and reflect on how to maintain perseverance. 

Free Screen Wallpaper

Bear Screen Wallpaper

We have a little treat to brighten your week - a new FREE digital screen wallpaper. Our little bear cuties will delight your students on their screen or device and remind them to keep moving when things seem impossible.
Use it as a background or screensaver with just a few clicks on your device. Change the wallpaper on your screen regularly for a new fresh start!

You can find this free offering over in our TPT store!

Screen wallpaper cute bears

You can pop back through our blog to find other screen wallpapers we have made for you too!

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