Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!


Get creative while learning about Day and Night with this fun craft and writing project. Together, the owls will look amazing on a classroom door, bulletin board or display.

Night and Day Owl Art Project

Before completing the craft you may like to:
  • discuss the differences between night and day - ask students to tell you their thoughts, what they observe
  • ask students to tell you what activities they do during day/night - chart and compile a class list
  • use the student recording page to record observations

The craft component has 2 options:
  • completed page (no cutting of individual pieces, children color or paint)
  • template piece template pages to cut and glue - these can be printed on color paper, or print them on white paper and ask your students to shade them.
The craft features an owl that has been divided into half and depicted to reflect night and day.

Into your lesson you can incorporate a discussion of
  • owls and nocturnal animals
  • warm and cool colors
  • symmetry
This new printable paper craft pack has been added to our TpT store - you can find it HERE

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