Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Mother's Day Directed Drawing and Art Project

Let's have a ha-bee day and wish our favorite people love on Mother's Day! Would you like to draw with us a beautiful carnation with some buzzing bees? Mum, mom, grandam, nan or aunty will love it!
  • start with a small dot and some jumpy petals

  • do 3 more rows of jumpy petals 

  • do another one or two rows of petals to your liking 

  • draw a stem and two leaves

  • draw some bouncy grass across the base 

  • draw an oval with stripes for the first bee 

  • draw details - wings, antennae, legs, stinker and face 

  • repeat for the second bee 

  • write a message that is perfect for your special person - like Ha-bee Mother's Day 
  • add some hearts too

  • now it's time to paint 

  • we used watercolor over our black sharpie 

  • we added some crayon detail 

  • darken the lines if you wish by re-tracing some in black sharpie 

We have a video for you to help demonstrate the steps to your students!

If you would like printable steps and writing pages for this project, we have added a set to our TpT store

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