Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Name Activities for Back to School

Activities for name recognition and awareness are fun for the beginning of the year. For little learners who are growing in self awareness, incorporating name activities will help them become aware of their importance to the class community. They will also become more aware of the special place their peers occupy in the class too.

Today I wanted to remind you of a free resource I shared a few years ago to help you prep an activity for name recognition early in the school year.

Simply copy a page for each student and have them find the letters of their name to color or paint.

Find it in Google Drive HERE

More letter hunt pages

If you think your little learners would like more letter hunt activities through the year, pop over to my TpT store for this printable pack with an alphabet focus. 

Thanks so much for stopping by to learn more about our teaching resources!

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