Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Addition Game Freebie

I have a roll and color addition activity to share with you today. 

How to play this addition game

This addition game is perfect for students to play in pairs. 
  • each player has a different colored pencil
  • players take turns to roll 3 dice and find the total
  • encourage your l earners to 'look for a ten' in the three numbers they have rolled if possible
  • encourage other addition strategies - doubles, doubles +1, known facts to help with finding the total
  • players color a square that matches their roll, if available
  • the player who is last to color a square is the winner

When should I use this activity?

This is perfect for students who are confident with the concept of addition (combining two groups or growing a group). These students can 'count on' (they naturally count from the larger number when finding the total) and are beginning to build a memory of addition facts and mental strategies.
Use it in math centers, small group rotations or for fast finishers. 

Where can I find this printable addition activity?

You can find it right here on our blog - download it from Google Drive, HERE

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