Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

at Word Family Freebies

cat word family page

word family craft

Hi friends!

How is your week going? 

Mine has featured 23 students tearing paper (and I mean LOTS of paper) to create penguin artworks.

Sounds tame.

It was not. 

That is all I want to say about it at this stage. When my heart rate comes down, I will post a few pictures over on my art/class blog. Seriously though, it was fun.

I wanted to stop by quickly to share this little freebie with you. Your students can brainstorm and record some 'at' words on the cat! 

I also have a printable Word Family Week booklet to focus on the 'at' word family over in my TpT store!

at word family

Have a wonderful Wednesday, and my only other advice is to think very carefully before deciding that paper tearing would be a fun way to finish a school day - he he he. 

February 2017 Update

word family activities

By request, Ive made a whole bunch of word family word pages to go along with the cat 'at' page!

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