Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Summer Number Freebie

Do you need a fast-prep activity for helping your students review addition in the lead up to summer break.

This worksheet will help your students with addition with numbers up to 30. It has a fun colouring component when they have finished their addition, which will also help with numeral identification.

summer addition worksheet

Students work their way through the addition problems, solving and recording answers in the spaces provided. 

Give students number lines, number chart or counters to assist with computation if needed. 

I'd love to share this page with you today - find it in Google Drive: Free Summer Addition to 30 Worksheet

summer addition

And find more printables perfect for summer busy work, in our store:

summer printables

Free Summer Coloring Pages

Please also be reminded that summer is the perfect time to join our free coloring club! It's a dedicated website library of the pages I have made for your little ones to color or paint! 

To find out how to join (it is very easy) just hop over to our information page and do not hesitate to ask us any questions you have!

Here are 2 of my favorites - mermaid and pineapple!

mermaid coloring page

pineapple coloring page

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