Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Foil and Tissue Art Project

Today, I want to show you an artwork that is made using aluminium foil and tissue paper. The photo does not do the artwork justice - the tissue paper and glue create a lovely shiny layered-colour effect.

Start with white glue, a sheet of foil, squares of pre-cut tissue paper and a brush.

Put some glue all over the foil...

and spread it out with the brush.

Start layering your tissue paper pieces. We did ours quite straight and ordered, but this could be done in a more random arrangement to achieve a different more scattered effect.

When just about all covered, add some more glue and carefully spread it out over the whole artwork

Add more pieces, until all is covered.

Once dry, trim the edges and mount on a coloured cardboard piece.

When doing this with your students, some points to remember to explain to them before they commence are:

  • work on a very flat surface - the foil is thin and if anything is under the foil (even small particles) it can tear easily
  • ensure the pieces are placed down flat, and are completely covered in glue
  • try not to handle the foil too much (picking it up and moving it etc)

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