Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Partitioning Five is a Picnic!

Partitioning Five In Math

Partitioning is a foundational mathematical concept that involves dividing a number into smaller parts. In kindergarten, children begin to learn how to partition numbers up to 5. This skill is essential for developing number sense and understanding addition and subtraction.

Number Sense Activities

Here is a printable math game you can use in your math lessons, guided groups or workshops to help support students. It's called Picnic Five and requires players to put a total of 5 items in the basket - partitioned in 2 groups. 

Your students will become fluent seeing the combinations of numbers that combine to make 5 and have visual support to help them as they progress.

After playing they can glue 5 food items into the picnic basket on the quick math craft - a Basket of 5!

Kindergarten Math Games

Math Activities in Kindergarten

Picnic Five Math Game

Learning Addition to Five
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