Wooden pattern blocks are a versatile and engaging math manipulative that can be used to support a variety of math concepts with kindergarten students. With our activity cards you can encourage students to play with blocks in a math center, using each as a prompt for arranging, rotating, sliding, and flipping shapes.

As they arrange their shapes to match the picture, they will be developing their understanding of :
As well as using activity cards to guide your lessons, provide time for them to play freely with the blocks.
Hands-on learning:
Wooden pattern blocks provide a hands-on way for students to learn math concepts. This can help students who learn best by doing.
An engaging math program:
Wooden pattern blocks are a fun and engaging way to learn math. This can help keep students motivated and interested in learning math.
Flexible learning:
Wooden pattern blocks can be used to support a variety of math concepts. This makes them a valuable resource for teachers as students can transfer learning from one area of math to another.
Find our growing collection of pattern block activity cards through our website page!