Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Ladybug Craft and Informational Writing

Ladybugs are one of the most popular insects in the world, and they're a great way to teach your class about the natural world. This craft project is a fun and easy way to learn about ladybugs, and it's a practical classroom activity with one sheet of paper needed per student.

It's just one of 26 projects in my Alphabet Animals One Page Craft pack! You can work your way through all of them over the year, or just select a few at a time for students to choose from in your writing center

Ladybug Craft and Writing



  • Color or paint the pieces on the One Page Craft page.
  • Cut out the pieces for the ladybug.
  • Use the picture guide to help glue the pieces together. 
The ladybug is now finished! You can use it to:
  • play - stick it on a craft stick and encourage your students to tell a story with their ladybug
  • draw or add more - add some patterns, extra craft materials (sequins, glitter, paper scraps)
  • accompany some writing in a book or on a classroom display 

Ladybug Writing in Kindergarten

Read some books with your class or review some online sources of information and create a large classroom anchor chart of information. Provide some writing paper and let your students choose some information to tell about ladybugs! 

Write About Insects At School

Ladybug One Page Craft

Use this fine motor and writing experience to springboard into other areas of learning:

Learn about ladybugs. 

Talk about their life cycle, what they eat, and where they live.

Learn about the importance of insects. 

Insects play a vital role in the environment, and they're essential for plant growth and pollination.

I hope it gets your children excited to learn about the natural world but also that they have a fun and engaging activity!
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