Talk with them about elephants and discover some interesting facts in some books you read. Just as they are learning to grasp a crayon to draw, elephants can grasp objects with their trunk! They can use it to smell, make sounds, blow air, drink water, communicate and express emotions too.
Plan your writing-fluency warm up for today with a line of loopy elephants.

- first do a page full of loopy lines
- give a verbal prompt to match - up and around, up and around or something similar
- use this movement for writing the letter e - practice those too

- after the line, find some elephants - use the loops as the elephant's tail and ear
- draw elephants along the loopy line with a few extra simple drawing strokes and shapes

I have a bundle of printable projects for using handwriting practice and simple lines, shapes and movements in drawings if you'd like to support your children's emerging writing skills.
And in the Pond Coloring Club, you can find this sweet little elephant craft to cut and glue. A loopy pattern is a nice extra detail to draw on with crayon!