Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

2 Digit Addition

Here is a warm up to play with the number cards in the Math Kit. It's for 2 digit addition (without regrouping).

2 digit addition card game

  • multiple 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 cards (print several sets)
  • place value blocks
teen numbers

To play:
  • shuffle all the cards and have them face down in a pile
  • flip 2 cards
  • build each number separately with blocks - e.g. for 11 make a ten and one
  • combine the blocks to find the total, moving the tens together and the ones together
addition with place value blocks

Extend this warm up idea into a full lesson activity by having your students draw, write or record each addition in their math book or on a whiteboard. 

Using blocks to model addition is a fun and effective way to introduce and reinforce the place value concepts within 2 digit addition. By engaging in hands-on activities, children can develop a strong foundation for understanding addition and develop a positive attitude towards mathematics.

Find more interactive and engaging ways to make math supportive and visual in The Math Kit

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